So my son's first game at The Valley was a 2-1 defeat to Sheffield Wednesday. That is, however, only a small part of the story. As the football was a bit rubbish (the result in particular) I will give you a run down of our day - one that I suspect will be remembered better by me than KH Jnr.
As I feared that a four year old would struggle to concentrate on 22 men running around a big field I brought along his Mum so that if he got bored she could take him home or buy him some sweets or something. We left a little early as I called the club on the Saturday morning and was advised that I couldn't book a ticket over the phone on a match day. This was a little inconvenient as it meant having a restless child hanging around, but it was necessary to get a ticket close to our seats, or be moved all together.
To my surprise, and great satisfaction, the seat next to mine was available - fantastic! With time to spare we walked round to the Fish and Chip shot on Floyd Road for a bite to eat. After eating the chips we went for a walk around the club shop. This was enjoyable enough, but the lack of Ben 10 or Power Rangers toys meant that it was a short visit. The chap had given us the new catalogue on the way in which included a small football. This, it was decided, was what he would have. Great I though as this meant that he would have a nice Charlton memento from his first ever match, Something to show his children (OK I'm getting a bit excited I know). Alas, despite having a lovely new catalogue many of the items in it are not available yet. No worries, as soon as Mummy said that we would stop off on the way home to get a Ben 10 toy we were all happy again.
We then wandered over to the East Stand turnstiles. This is, itself, an exercise that needs to be considered. It's a good job there were three of us as once you go though you cannot get back. As silly as it seems, fears of being caught the wrong side of the turnstile to a four year old were quite real.
So we were in the ground. I started pointing out the stands etc. but he seemed rather less overwhelmed that I would have thought. I just imagined that he would have been impressed by the huge buildings, but he was not in the least bit interested in them.
After a quick 'wee' - little boys (and mine in particular) seem to be able to wee all day long - we made our way to our seats. I had been a little concerned that the sheer number of people present would have caused some nervousness, but not at all.
The players came out and I explained (as if I needed to) that we were the players in red and those in blue and white were the other team. I explained the home and away ends and why they seemed to be wearing the same colours as their respective players. The first fifteen minutes seemed to captivate him. He initially decided to stand, but as you can see from the picture my seat was just in front of the barrier. He also had a little spell sitting on my knee. This is quite possibly one of the high points for a Dad. We were still at 0-0 at this point, but everything in the world felt good.
Then the Percy Pigs ran out, and his interest in the football started to wane. He started asking if it was time to go home. Mummy (in a way that Dads, especially me, cannot) encouraged him to sit on his seat (my normal seat) and just wait a while. Then we had a free kick, so I suggested to him that we might score a goal here, and he became interested again. The goal was a bit of a tap in so not very exciting, but I jumped up and shouted; he burst into tears. I think the crowd seems very nonthreatening until they all jumped up and shouted very loudly. He was soon calmed down and now that he understood (although clearly not everything) he joined in with a little shout and a jump of his own when Wednesday scored, twice. He was just trying to be like Daddy, but all in all I think he came through his first half very well.
Sadly, his interest in watching anymore football had all gone, so Mummy took him over to Charlton Park for the second half. As I'd expected as much and as Mrs KH is about as interested in watching Charlton as I am in watching Songs of Praise she was not bitter at missing the second half. As all children are different I would suggest that other four year olds would have been enthralled with the whole game, but I would have taken one half before I got there, and he says that he wants to go again, so all is not lost.
So I am now the very proud Daddy of a fully fledged Charlton Fan, even if he is so sporting that he cheers the other teams goals too.
As for the match, I have to confess as to not being as attentive in the first half as I normally am, and the second half was just like a re-run of all those games last season where teams came and put ten men behind the ball. Not being able to break them down is a flaw but not a terrible one. Giving away a lead (something we have already done four times this season - all be it we still went on to win against Reading) is a very worrying sign.
In the absence of my dad I decided to go to Palace on my own. I am now beginning to wish I hadn't bought a ticket. I fear that we could well lose that game now, and the fall out for Pardew, who is becoming more and more unpopular with the fans could be significant.
Still we have a new fan in the family, and even if it made him cry his first ever goal at a football mach was scored by a Charlton player. Suddenly Luke Varney has been immortalised.
Up the Addicks!
Well done on expanding our fan base KH!
My seven year old decided he wanted a wee two minutes before the end on Saturday. Try fighting your way back to your seat after that!
Pembury Addick
Brings back memories that KH.
When i started taking my son, he was about seven. I used to see the dads coming out of the shop, little Johnny or Jenny sporting a new hat or scarf or some other trinket. Then dad would feed them a burger, then a cola drink, usually followed by a chocolate bar. Under my breath i tut-tutted at this extravagance. My lad would be saying 'can i have one dad' to all the aforementioned treats. I would say 'no we're here to watch the football, not to waste money on junk food and tat'
By the time he was a young teenager, despite us being in the Premiership, he was fed up with Charlton.
I look back now and see those dad's were right and i was wrong. The lavish treats made the whole day a positive one for the kids, and they learned to enjoy the football.
Incidentally, he's back now supporting Charlton. But he's now twenty three, so it's his decision not mine anymore!
Great story KH. I took my son to his first game aged 3, and he was certainly too young although we managed to get through most of the 2nd half until he became too restless, and yes there were lots of trips to the toilet, shop etc. We lost btw to Bolton 1-0 and he clapped their goal!
I started taking him again aged 7 and he loved it. He was far more engaged and my greatest sadness is that I can't take him every week because he is so into it. My mate did take him Saturday though.
I remember me having to absolutely bribe my Dad to take me aged 8. And I think there is something in the slow growing infinity with something that will hopefully be a lifetime commitment as opposed to a fleeting interest. It's worth working on and believe me buy as many shirts, shorts, lolly pops, chips and cola as it needs.
Great report KHA - he burst into tears when we scored because even at such a tender age, he appreciates that we always lose after taking the lead. Meanwhile his decision to forgo the second half was an excellent one, and displayed admirable hindsight.
He clearly has all the necessary attributes to be a lifelong devoted Addicks fan.
I've started playing our 19-month old son the original Billy Cotton version of the Red Red Robin on a daily basis. I'm hoping that subliminally he will feel that same incredible sense of warmth and familiarity that I feel when I too endeavour to take him to the Valley.
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